What a frickin' shock!!! You mean to tell me that NONE of the translating committee of the NWT were educated!!?? Well, thanks for spoiling it for me! What will I do now???...
Second Titus, eh? Yeah, those WT Ba$tards left that book out of my New World Translation, too! Anyone send me a PDF scan of that one???
(Sorry, slipped into "Captain Sarcasm" mode for a bit) ;)
The Last Nephilim
JoinedPosts by The Last Nephilim
Jehovahs witnesses so called translation of the Greek Scriptures
by youngdemar indo you jehovahs witnesses know that none of your so called scholars who translated your bible had no hebrew or greek training whats so ever?
they didnt even have any university training whatsoever.
only fredrick franz went to college and left after 2 years without even an undergraduate degree.
The Last Nephilim
PS3 or Xbox 360
by 5go inmy next system is a wii.. though what should i get after it i am getting all three eventually.
some day..
The Last Nephilim
Between those two, I'd say PS3, for these reasons:
1. Waaaay better looking graphics, in my opinion.
2. Blu-Ray
3. Microsoft is evil, like the WTS
4. Free online play
5. Call of Duty 4 is phenomenal!
6. Microsoft is evil... like the WTS
Having said that, I am still a dedicated PC gaming fan. I'd rather play a PC game any day. It's always a few steps ahead of console games in graphics and tech, you can usually customize the games much more, but it's just more expensive if you want the latest and greatest hardware. I haven't done the figures yet, but I have a theory that if you buy the latest console gaming system and games to go with it, you could have upgraded your PC hardware. I could be wrong, but... well... I just love PC games! -
Fruits of the JW's
by searcher ini was talking with an elder and i asked him "how can i be sure that the organisation speaks for jehovah?".
he answered with "by their fruits you will know them".. .
let us explore some of those 'fruits'.
The Last Nephilim
Fruits of JWs?
How about families destroyed by unloving disfellowshipping practices?
How about completely draining every working person's second with constant meetings and service and personal study, etc...?
How about placing guilt on someone for not being a "Super Witness"???
Just to name a few... -
The Last Nephilim
"When the Tigers Broke Free"
Hey, I'm interested in WW2!!! -
The Last Nephilim
This is EXCELLENT work! I'm hooked!
Did you get tired of waiting for Armageddon
by karter ini was around in 1975 then it was the generation that saw 1914 .. armageddon was always just about there ............... i got tired of waiting.
The Last Nephilim
Hehe, I told my JW coworker that if we want Armageddon to happen then we all need to get drunk and stay drunk because of Luke 21:34 that says that if we drink then the day will be "instantly upon" us.
He was UNAMUSED!!! -
What's your success rate?
by Mrs Smith inhow many of you have managed to get your jw friends and family to see that it's not "the truth"?
The Last Nephilim
My JW partner at work and I have "discussed" a few things- me showing him the stupidity of some JW doctrines and him trying to defend the bORG. I think he sees it but all of his family and friends are JWs and he's comfortable being in the bORG for now, so it doesn't go very far. I believe it's making him think, though.
For now I'm concentrating on my kids- VERY CAREFULLY!! In fact, yesterday we were watching an old documentary on WW2, and in it they said that Hitler, Mussolini, and (the guy ruling Japan at the time) all told their people NOT to think for themselves but to just trust them without question. Sound familiar? The people did, and look what happened! I also told my daughter that she does NOT have to answer at the meetings (her mother tries to force her, guilt her, or bribe her to) and that she's not going to be destroyed by God if she doesn't. I also told my son that the elders are just regular men like me and that they only look more "spiritual" because they get to go up and give talks. I told him that you can't measure a person's "spirituality" by their hours in filed service or meeting attendance. It's a personal and private thing between you and God. I think it made him think without prematurely setting off any internal "alarms" he's had placed in him. So far, so good... -
Where do you hide your apostate literature?
by Hiddenwindow insince some of us are still active and have to hide our so-called apostate literature, i am curious about where some of you keep it.
i have to leave it at my workplace.
i manage, however, to have one book at home.
The Last Nephilim
I don't hide my apostate literature. I keep all Watchtowers and Awakes in plain sight of everyone! My CoC book, however, stays face- down on my nightstand!
Some questions that I didnt find the answer as a JW Part 1
by tooktheredpill inhaving been raised in the truth, i thought that i had all the answers in the watchtower publications.
but as i started really reading the bible without filters, a lot of stuff started to appear that made no sense to me.
1) genesis 2:2: and by the seventh day god came to the completion of his work that he had made, and he proceeded to rest on the seventh day from all his work that he had made.. .
The Last Nephilim
Why does the bible speak plenty about the bad guys (the serpent, Great Dragon, Babylon the Great, the wild beast, the harlot, etc...) in reference to the last days but only ONE mention, in a parable, of the "faithful and discreet slave", to whom it is absolutely vital to be immovably loyal to?
Why does almost every illustration of the death of Jesus show a single nail through his wrists, when in John 20:25 Thomas clearly says "nails" (plural) and "hands" (not wrists)?
If the 144,000 can be any race or nationality, the Jews were no longer a favored nation, and God does not show partiality, then why does Jesus refer to Gentiles as "dogs" in Matthew 15:26?
Why do the gospel accounts of Jesus' death and resurrection differ on these points;
1. Depending on which account you read, the two Marys who went to the tomb on the third day saw either one or two angels.
2. The one angel they saw was either on top of the stone that sealed the entrance or inside the tomb on the right hand side.
3. They either went back to the disciples and told them all that they had seen and heard, or they were too fearful to say anything at all.
4. The disciples either thought the Marys were talking nonsense for a while or they heard and immediately went to the tomb.
If the star above Jesus' birthplace was put there by Satan to lead the would- be spies to Jesus, then why didn't they do their job, and why did they bring gifts? Couldn't the star have been placed there by God since He already knew that the "astrologers" wouldn't betray Jesus to Herod? Why didn't Herod's people or Herod himself notice the star? Wouldn't it have been easier for Satan to use the star to lead an assassin to Jesus?
If Noah's ark landed on Mt Ararat, then how did kangaroos get to Australia without leaving any evidence that they existed anywhere else on earth?
If Kingdom Halls didn't exist in the first century, then how can we interpret "Do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together" to mean that we MUST attend the meetings at the Kingdom Hall and not anywhere else that Christians may gather? Further, wasn't the whole point of the "gathering" to upbuild and encourage, not to be fed "new light"? (Heb 10:24, 25)
How could Lot be a righteous man after offering his daughters to a mob of homo rapists?
How could God kill Lot's wife for wanting to see the most awesome fireworks show this planet has ever seen?
Why didn't God kill Lot's daughters for getting him drunk and essentially raping him (sexual immorality) when He'd just wiped out two entire cities for the same offense? (Evidently, watching fireworks is worse than raping your father!)
When Jesus expelled the demons from the men and into the herd of swine which ran off the edge of the cliff, what happened to the demons after the pigs fell to their deaths? Would they not just go off and possess two more men? -
Can I forbid my ex to see my son???
by babygirl75 inbefore i start, i know a lot of you will say for me to consult an attorney, but just wanted to see if any of you have had to deal with this..... i have primary custody of my son.
my ex was ordered to pay child support the first of each month.
well i hardly ever see a dime of it unless i call him and have to bitch him out to send the state a payment for child support.
The Last Nephilim
I am a loooooong way from reading all the responses to this question, but I know a thing or two about this subject. First of all, custody/visitation is a separate issue from child support. That kid needs to learn things on his own, including the fact that his father doesn't pay what some judge, using someone's (Lord knows who) guidelines, told him he legally had to pay, regardless of whether or not it was realistically feasible! 99 times out of 100 you will find that the person paying child support thinks it's too much and the person receiving it thinks it's too little, unless you reverse the situation, then suddenly, like magic, opinions change! Everyone I know who is in the position of having to pay child support is living below the standard that their income would allow if the children were still living with them. It is much more affordable and practical to take care of a child in one's home than it is to pay a hunk out of each paycheck to someone else to do it. Plus it takes the fun out of it, so in that regard I completely understand your ex's actions in buying toys for his son. It is, in my opinion, far better than paying you to do it! If you feel there are things your son needs, why not tell his father to take him shopping for a few cool shirts for school or some neat pants to wear? Build it up to your son and get him excited about it, and mention that he should suggest it to his father! Then he'll be getting something more than non- payment of child support and toys!
It seems in almost every case that parents forget what life is like for the child. They were meant to be raised in a family environment! A man and woman divorce each other, but the kids still have the right to live normal lives as much as possible! You should ask yourself constantly, "What would today be like for (your child's name here) if (the other parent) and I were still together?" AND THEN MAKE THAT HAPPEN TO THE BEST EXTENT POSSIBLE! Besides, you and your ex are apart, and you can't change him. Your son will grow in wisdom as he gets older and see his father for who he is, but he will still ALWAYS LOVE HIM!!! And THAT should matter to you more than anything else!!! And by the way- how could you even think that another man, no matter how great you think he is, could replace your child's father??? Loser or not, your child's father IS his father figure and always should be. If he's a bad influence, then your job is to put more positive influences into your son's life to counter it, but don't ever think that they can replace his real father. Believe it or not, your ex has just as much right to influence HIS son as you do, for better or for worse! If he's such a bad guy, then ask yourself why you got with him and had a child with him in the first place! If you feel he's a bad influence, then all you can do is your own version of "damage control", but you have no right to try to remove or replace him as your son's father! BOTH of you have a right to teach the child your own values and opinions, no matter how bad either of you think the others' is! To do otherwise hurts your son, not your ex! Your son has the right to form his own opinions about his parents, so let him! You will thank yourself later for it, and so will he!
The real question you should ask is, "SHOULD I forbid my ex to see my son?" The answer, no matter how emotionally charged you are, no matter the circumstances, is a resounding "NO!"
Just for fun, find out what your state's child support guidelines are and put yourself in your ex's shoes. If you're unemployed, then use what he makes when considering your income. Find out what you would be paying if it were YOU paying CS instead of him, and then add that to the rest of your normal bills and expenses. Your life would be very different financially, wouldn't it? Then your ex would call you a loser, and to top it all off, you would only get to see your flesh and blood, who loves you unconditionally, every other weekend...
Please send me a message if you'd like to question/comment/rebut...